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Deterministic models

Source code

This section contains two examples of very simple models that are not trainable, called deterministic models. Sometimes it can be useful to consider deterministic approaches (e.g. modeling) and tensorflow is a powerful numerical library that can run smoothly on many kind of devices such as GPUs.

In this section, we will consider two deterministic models:

  • L2 norm: a model that computes the l2 norm of the input image channels, for each pixel,
  • Scalar product: a model computing the scalar product between two images with the same number of channels, for each pixel

L2 norm

We consider a very simple model that implements the computation of the l2 norm. The model inputs one multispectral image (x), and computes the l2 norm of each pixel (y). The model is exported as a SavedModel named l2_norm_savedmodel

import tensorflow as tf

# Input
x = tf.keras.Input(shape=[None, None, None], name="x")  # [1, h, w, N]

# Compute norm on the last axis
y = tf.norm(x, axis=-1)

# Create model
model = tf.keras.Model(inputs={"x": x}, outputs={"y": y})"l2_norm_savedmodel")

Run the code. The l2_norm_savedmodel file is created. Now run the SavedModel with TensorflowModelServe:

otbcli_TensorflowModelServe \ image1.tif \
-model.dir l2_norm_savedmodel \
-model.fullyconv on \
-out output.tif \
-optim.disabletiling on


As you can notice, we have set the optim.disabletiling to on which disables the tiling for the processing. This means that OTB will drive the regions size based on the ram value defined in OTB. We can do that safely since our process has a small memory footprint, and it is not optimized with tiling because it does not use any neighborhood based approach. Tiling is enabled by default in TensorflowModelServe since it is mostly intended to perform inference using 2D convolutions.

Scalar product

Let's consider a simple model that inputs two multispectral image (x1 and x2), and computes the scalar product between each pixels of the two images. The model is exported as a SavedModel named scalar_product_savedmodel

import tensorflow as tf

# Input
x1 = tf.keras.Input(shape=[None, None, None], name="x1")  # [1, h, w, N]
x2 = tf.keras.Input(shape=[None, None, None], name="x2")  # [1, h, w, N]

# Compute scalar product
y = tf.reduce_sum(tf.multiply(x1, x2), axis=-1)

# Create model
model = tf.keras.Model(inputs={"x1": x1, "x2": x2}, outputs={"y": y})"scalar_product_savedmodel")

Run the code. The scalar_product_savedmodel file is created. Now run the SavedModel with TensorflowModelServe:

OTB_TF_NSOURCES=2 otbcli_TensorflowModelServe \ image1.tif \ image2.tif \
-model.dir scalar_product_savedmodel \
-model.fullyconv on \
-out output.tif \
-optim.disabletiling on  # Small memory footprint, we can remove tiling